Saturday, 11 January 2014


While I make no claims to be a good photographer of any sort, I have always enjoyed photography. My dad is an aerial archaeologist whose job is (among other things) to take photos from a tiny plane of the ground below, looking for changes in the colour of crops or grass that indicates there are ruins below just waitin’ for an excavatin’. I did a photography class as an extra curricular in college and once he let me use one of his good cameras for a project, I was constantly terrified of dropping the damn thing but boy were the results good.
So when I came across a Fujifilm Finepix S9600 on the Dutch equivalent of Gumtree for a very reasonable price, I did some review reading and (Arjan) contacted the seller.
We picked it up this morning and couldn’t get home fast enough to give it a try!

Arjan and I decided to go for a walk around the village to test it out. Sadly, the second we left the house, the sun crept behind the clouds and hasn’t reappeared yet, so the pictures we got are a little bleak but I wanted to share them anyway because I’m too excited about it.

First off, here’s the man himself (this was taken as proof that I’m the better portrait photographer, we didn’t keep the ones he took, but trust me)

We went past a farm and found this kitty having the best chin scratch ever (by the looks of it).

Then we interrupted this guy stalking something and he turned around to give us evils briefly.

An inquisitive cow who freaked when the camera made a noise.

In the distance we saw the wild ponies (yes really) that live in the nature reserve by the River Maas.

And just before the rain started in earnest and the battery died we got a friendly little audience.

 So that’s that, not terribly exciting I know, but I am loving this camera and I will be able to do much better pictures to accompany posts from now on! I’m thinking of doing a ‘Picture an hour’ Post once a month like The Dainty Squid, I think it’s a really fun post to read (look at) and I’m hoping that it will inspire me to do something a little more inventive with my time so I don’t just have 12 pictures of me sitting at my laptop. 

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