Monday, 3 March 2014

Carnaval 2014 Pictures

Yesterday was spent in bed, nursing hangovers with tea and the dulcet tones of David Attenborough narrating wildlife documentaries.
The cause of these hangovers was the excessive drinking (obviously) that seems to be somewhat mandatory during Carnaval.

Rather than waffling on about how mad it is etc. I will just show you with a few pictures taken during the parade on Saturday afternoon. (there are no pictures from later in the day because I wasn't about to trust drunk me with my camera) 

So, apologies for the photo dump, but hopefully now you have an inkling of what this is all about….


  1. Looks like great fun minus the hangover. The little smurfs look
    Superb Lucy x

    1. Yep, I could have done without that as well, but hey ho! They were adorable :) x
